
DNA tests

DNA testing (DM EIC, IC, PRA, color codes, and other tests a breeder wants to perform voluntarily) can be ordered at the Laboratory of Van Haeringen in the Netherlands or in other laboratories to choose (

Until now it was required to determine the DNA profile at van Haeringen because of the mandatory parenthood control to be carried out relatively easily.

The ALAEU now contacted Genomia and as a result of this cooperation, each member of the ALAEU will receive at Genomia a discount of 10% . Online tests should then be requested and must be reported to the customer note that you are a member ALAEU ( It is also possible to have the DNA profile done at Genomia and to perform parentage control at Genomia.

This cooperation will be for 2017 and 2018. The discount applies to the performed tests

Also Genomia put together a package deal for members of the ALAEU (

When you perform parenthood control in Genomia and the DNA profile of the parent (s) is not yet fixed at Genomia, you need to enclose from the parent (s) the DNA data on paper. These data looks as follows: